Hero Body Scrub

Hero Body Scrub
Hero Body Scrub
4oz jar of Hero Body Scrub from Otavea

8oz jar of Hero Body Scrub from Otavea

12oz jar of Hero Body Scrub from Otavea

Size comparison of jars of Hero Body Scrub from Otavea

Hero Body Scrub
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SubscribeWhat's in the jar?
When the going gets tough, the tough get Hero.
Good for: Stretch marks, cellulite, eczema, acne, scarring, and those always-tough spots like your elbows or heels.
Smells like: A Peppermint Mocha latte.
Feels like: Getting brand-new skin.
Ingredients: Pure cane sugar, special blend of cold- pressed organic oils, cocoa powder, robusta ground organic beans, peppermint oil.
Formulated to help you with...

Find the right size for you!
4oz - Use it every now and then or for special occasions.
8oz - Good for a bunch of full body scrubs.
12oz - Also good for a bunch of full body scrubs, plus hands, feet, lips, elbows, eyebrows...you get it.